Finding Your Wild Place
When we think about being outdoors experiencing nature in the UK, the first thing that usually comes to mind is rolling green hills with fields of grazing sheep, crops growing, old stone farms and maybe a winding river or large lake.
Whilst that is definitely one habitat where you are guaranteed to find an abundance of wildlife and plants, there are actually many other habitats in the UK that are also filled with all kinds of amazing flora and fauna. Often it is easy to forget how close to home we can find something wild!
Our towns and cities are home to many incredible animals that have adapted to urban environments. Predators like peregrine falcons and foxes show tenacity and skill - hunting, breeding and surviving in large numbers whilst learning to co-exist alongside people.
Natural spaces can be found right on your doorstep - a local park, forest, canal bank, or even a community garden are great places to explore and enjoy the outdoors in as a family.
Depending where you live you may have access to the coastline, heathland or moorland too. They are all wonderful, wild landscapes that are home to a huge array of wildlife you can find.
Our cleverly designed, pocket sized Very Wild Scavenger Quest is a great way to get children exploring the world around them.

With over 300 items to find across seven habitats, it is the perfect gift to encourage children to look closer at the world around them, find nature in places they might not expect and creating curiosity to learn more about what they have found.