Sparking Adventure

Sparking Adventure

As a family who have spent many years working in and enjoying the the countryside we have always treasured time spent outdoors, especially with our son. Sometimes the simple acts - jumping in muddy puddles until your boots are soaking wet, building a stick den in the woods or standing outside in the evening watching bats wizz around your head are the most magical moments, and they cost nothing to do!

In a world full of technology with easy access to so much information, it can sometimes be hard to see value in books. But journaling can encourage so much creativity and curiosity in children and adults alike.

When I first started to design our Adventure Journal I knew that there were some important aims I wanted to achieve. I wanted the journal to encourage children to explore new places, learn about the unique habitats we have here in the UK and encourage families to get outdoors together and have fun with minimal cost. I wanted children to look closer to what is around them, and to learn about the wonderful world we live in.

Journal pages

In the first half of the journal you will find a selection of useful information, interesting facts and practical ideas for simple activities (all achievable without equipment or spending money). The aim is simply to introduce our children to the idea of getting outside and going on an adventure - however big or small!

Journal pages

The second half of the journal is for your child to write about their adventures (with or help from you if needed). There is plenty of space to write, draw and stick things in. How they choose to fill it in is up to them, and they can write in it as little or often as they like as their are no set calendar dates. 

I hope you and your family enjoy our resources. As we grow the business we are hoping to develop all sorts of items and activities for families to enjoy using when going on an adventure! Adventures happen everywhere - you don't need to be in the countryside to grow vegetables or see birds of prey! It's just about knowing how and where to look. 

We are also building free resources section on our website, so check back now and again and feel free to use this as you wish!

Happy adventuring!



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1 comment

Fantastic website! I’ve shared with my friends/family/followers around the world as many have children who will love this as much as I do. Great work ❤️🦉

Jodi Spicer

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