Welcome to The Wild Spark!
Hello and welcome to our website, and more importantly to our tribe! We have set out on an exciting new family venture to inspire and support families so they can enjoy and benefit from the great outdoors as much as we do.
Find Your Wild
Our core value for this project is to help you "find your wild". No matter where you live, there is an adventure waiting on your doorstep. You don't need to climb a massive mountain. You don't need lots of fancy equipment. Your wild place might be in a local forest, park or at the beach, and we want to help you all enjoy it with a good dose of creativity, fun and learning along the way.
Watch this space!
- Amy, James and Alfie
Just watched your video , we knew you’d be busy with your family and job, as well as birds, hope all continues to go well.
Happy to join the journey from North Bay Ontario Canada
Just watched your update on YouTube . Best wishes for the future.